i was born in the year 1991.
the time when india had started merging with west. the fashion, the style, the aura, the life of the west was pouring into india. its really depressing that i could not see this change. the other day a friend of mine who is quite elder to me was discussing about the 90s. since he had a great time experiencing and growing in that era, i found him to be the right person to speak and share about 90s.
Mc Donalds in delhi was first opened at priya and people were really crazy to get the ham. 48Rs for one burger in mid 90s. so was dominoz, i was told that it was a status symbol to work in dominoz.
now when the year has come to an end and 2011 is approaching i suddenly realized that even i have seen a decade. even though i have lived through 2, 90s and 00s.
i vaguely remember the 90s but yes i have grown up in a decade that gave beginning to a millennium.
like people discuss about 90s today, what all would be linked to 00s?
no one actually knew how distinct 90s was till the time 2000 initiated and maybe it will take time for us to relate specific colors, technology, feeling, fragrance, discussions and ideas to the decade of 00s.