the datesheet is out and the students feel unfortunate that they have got just one day preparatory leave after the chemistry exam for the facebook exam. a group of girls who just giggle in the glass have no worries. they had solved all the last year question papers of facebook and had regularly practiced this subject. they master facebook. the facebook question paper comprises of 3 levels of questions. the levels are 1. easy, 2. medium, 3. hard
questions that fall in the first category are like -how to add a friend, -can you change your password regularly,-give steps to view the pictures,-how to tag your friend in your albums.
the second category tests you on a few subjective matters and also asks you the reasons. - which application do you use the most and why? - how many farms do you own, what step do you use to be on the top.-steps to block unwanted people.
and finally the third level is difficult. -is it possible to find out the ones who have blocked you? how?. -pen down the life history of mark zuckeberg, how to cope with the chat window problem?
an hour before the exam. students wait outside the exam center glued to their phones, laptops, and they are chatting with each other .some blaming the internet operator for the slow service. some cursing themselves for spending more time on twitter or orkut.
the giggling girls have still no worries. they have multiple accounts, their excessive dedication to this subject have even brought 'nagrajan swami' to approach them seeking for last minute tips.
and as usual, the number of parents waiting outside the exam center is no less. but none of them is disturbed or shattered because they all know their kid will surely prove out HER/his late night practicals being online. who says we dot burn the midnight oil. we even surpass the midnight and keep on burning till the dawn at times.
Very well written yaar... too interesting to read :)